24 September 2021


24-09-2021 ZAKYNTHOS - Vathy ITHAKA
Weather : Sunny ca.30°C
Trip : 41,2 NM
...after 3 hours of sleep we woke up with a sunny blue sky and no wind !
Today was the only day with calm winds for our trip to Ithaka, 
the next 3 days they predicted Northerly winds up to force 4.
Because our course is North, we decided to leave Zakynthos for Ithaka.
It was a calm and long trip.
At 15.30h we moored at the town quay in Vathy on Ithaka.
Vathy is a very nice lively Greek town.
In the evening we had a wonderfull Greek diner at the Taverna Trechantiri.
Grtz from Vathy, 
Sandra, Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen