25 May 2013

24-05-2013 POROS

24th May 2013
Around Poros

Wind : 2-3 Bf SSE
Weather : sunny 28ºC
Log :14,40 NM

After a windy night under anchor in Russian bay, we hauled anchor at 1130h.

We sailed around Poros, clockwise.

The wind was variable so our engine had to help us out from time to time.

In the afternoon we saw a fire in the distance on the Peloponnese.
A little later a fireplane put out the fire.

After a swimstop in the Askeli-bay we moored in Poros on the Greek Sails-quay at 1630h.

The check-out went swift ... our yacht was ok.

In the evening we had a very nice dinner in the Meze-Meze taverna.

Tommorow we fly home again.

Grtz from Poros,
Koen & co.

23 May 2013

23-05-2013 AEGINA - POROS

23th May 2013
Perdika (Aegina) - Moni - Russian Bay (Poros)
Wind : 4-6 Bf WSW
Weather : Sunny ca.28ºC

This night our neighbour-yacht had problems with their mooringlines so we where up at ca.0400h ... a short night.
At 0730h the wind turned to West ... the harbour in Perdika is untennable with Westerly winds so we hauled anchor and went to a bay on Moni, only 15 min. away.

After a nice breakfast in the beautifull bay on Moni, most of us took a nap, afterwards some of us went snorkeling.

At noon we left Moni.
Our first destination was Palea Epidavros but after 1 hour of uncomfortable sharp reaching in 5-6 Bf we decided to set course for Poros.

This was still nice sailing, but comfortable and quick.

First we went to Poros-city to do some grocery-shopping.
Afterwards we went to Russian-bay on Poros.
Here we're spending a night under anchor with some cooking on board.

Grtz from Poros,
Koen & crew

22 May 2013

22-05-2013 Hydra -Perdika

22nd May 2013
Hydra - Perdika (Aegina)

Wind : am 0 Bf / pm 3-4 Bf S
Weather : Sunny 28ºC / pm clouds
Log : 24 NM

After a nice walk in Hydra, we left the harbour at 1100h.

Halfway we encountered a small group of bottlenose dolphins, they played around our yacht for some time, impressive.

In the afternoon the wind picked up and we had a nice broad reach under sail.

At 1530h we moored in Perdika on Aegina, there are only 3 yachts in the harbour.
We're moored on the new pontoon.

This evening we enjoyed a very nice dinner in the Remetzo-taverna.

Enigma's crew

21 May 2013

21-05-2013 Spetses - Hydra

21st May 2013
Spetses - Hydra

Wind : variable 0 - 3 Bf S
Weather : sunny with few clouds 30ºC
Log : 16 NM

This morning we left Spetses at ca. 1030h.
There's nearly now wind.

Halfway our trip the wind picked up, so we had a nice halfwind-sail.

The last hour the wind died down so we had to put on the engine.

At 1400h we arrived in Hydra, there only was one place left, so we were lucky.
Hydra probably is the most beautifull harbour in Greece in which you can anchor in the middle of the scenery.

This evening we had a nice sundowner and a dinner in the Kodylenia taverna in Kaminia, a 10 min walk out of town.

Koen & crew

20 May 2013

20-05-2013 Ermioni - Spetses

20th May 2013
Ermioni -Spetses

Wind : 2-3 Bf SSE
Weather : sunny 30ºC
Log : 15,20 NM

This morning we left at 1000h.

Finally some wind, so we had nice and slowly sail towards Spetses.

At 1245h we anchored in a bay West from Ormos Kostas on the Peloponnesos.
Nice clear water ideal for a swim and some snorkeling.

At 1545 we moored on a small qauy at the entrance of Ormos Baltiza in Spetses.
A fisherman helped us while mooring.

Afterwards the crew went swimming and snorkeling again ... this is what nice summer-sailing is all about !

At night we had a nice dinner at the Nythimeron-taverna, located next to a Greek-boatyard on the way to the Old Harbour, ...tasty Greek-food.

Yassas from Spetses,
Koen & the crew

19 May 2013

19-05-2013 Poros -Ermioni

19 may 2013
Poros - Ermioni

Wind : 0-1 Bf
Weather : Sunny 28ºC

This morning we did the last check-in and left Poros at 1100 h.

There isn't much wind, but the weather is warm and sunny.

Halway we anchored for swimstop in the bay at Nis. Soupia.

Just before we arrived on Ermioni we encoutered a school of ca.20 dolphins,

It's still calm in Ermioni,
There're only 6 yachts on the quay.

This evening we had a tasty dinner at Taverna Kavos, the view is spectecular.

Grtz from Ermioni,

18 May 2013

18-05-2013 POROS

Weather : sunny 28 ºC

After a long journey we arrived in Poros at 18.30h.
We rented a car to drive from Athens to Galatas (opposite from Poros).
Halfway we visited the Corinth-canal, impressive.

In Poros we were welcomed by the Greek-sails team.
Our yacht Enigma a Sun Odyssey 37.1 is in good shape.

This evening we had a very nice diner at the Apagio-taverna.

Grtz from Greece,
Lot Lieve Manu Bieke & Koen

05 May 2013

Argo-Saronic Gulf 18-25May 2013

Hi everyone,

the countdouwn has begun, only 2 weeks to go untill we sail off in Poros,
on our sailingtrip in the Argo-Saronic Gulf.

Our team is complete, we are 5 (myself, Bieke, Lieve, Lot & Manu).

We chartered a Sun Odyssey 37.1 with Greek Sails.

Of course you can follow our journey live on this blog,
from the 18th untill the 25th May 2013.

