13 June 2017


09-06-2017 PROZURA (Mljet) - ACI Marina DUBROVNIK

Weather : sunny, 27°C
Wind : 2-3 Bf W
Log : 23,7 NM

After our morning-swim and breakfast we left Prozura at ca.10.30h.

The first part of the trip there wasn't much wind,
the second part we had a nice halfwind-sail.

On the island of Lopud we anchored in the bay of Sinj for lunch.

At 1500h we hauled anchor and set course for the ACI Marina of Dubrovnik.

At 1630 we arrived at the Marina, but there was a long waitingline at the fuelstation. After ca 45 min. it was our turn, we fueled up 44 litres of diesel.

The guys at Waypoint were very swift with the check-out, we encountered no problems, so our yacht was OK.

At night we had a very nice diner in the nearby Vimbula-restaurant,
we ate fishstew a la chef, dilicious (ca. 31 € pp).

Grtz from Dubrovnik,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen

09 June 2017

08-06-2017 POLACE - PROZURA

08-06-2017 POLACE - PROZURA (Mljet)

Weather : sunny, 27°C
Wind : 2-3 Bf NNW
Log : 13,1 NM

Because today it was a short trip,
we had an easy and relaxing morning.

At 11.15h we left Polace.
Our trip went along the beautifull North-coast of Mljet.

Around 1400h we picked up a buoy in the Prozura-bay,
a bay surounded by hills in the middle of nature.
We had an afternoon of relaxing and swimming.

At night we had dinner in the Marijina Konoba.
Octopus-stew and Lobster with spaghetti. (ca.32 € pp).

Grtz from Mljet,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen

08 June 2017

07-06-2017 BADIJA - POLACE

07-06-2017 BADIJA (Korcula) - POLACE (Mljet)

Weather : am cloudy, pm sunny, 27°C
Wind : 3 Bf SW
Log : 19,4 NM

At 9.30h, after breakfast we hauled anchor and went for the old harbour of Korcula-town.

We found a space and were allowed to moor here for an hour and visited the beautifull medieval town of Korcula.

At 1130h we left Korcula for Mljet, after half and hour we spotted some dolphins, always nice.
We had a sharp reach for our destination.

At 1530h we arrived in Polace-bay, on the island of Mljet.

We took a mooring at the quay of the konoba Antika,
it's situated right beside the ruins of an old Roman Palace.

Polace is a beatifull secluded and well sheltered bay.

At night we ordered some lamb-peka, a traditional speciality of Croatia. It was delicious. (ca. 30 € pp).

Grtz from Mljet,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen

07 June 2017

06-06-2017 KOBAS - BADIJA

06-06-2017 KOBAS (Peljesac) - BADIJA (Korcula)

Weather : sunny and hazy, 27°C
Wind : 3 Bf SW
Log : 40,1 NM

At 1000h, after a lazy breakfast and a swim, we left Kobas.

We had a long sailingtrip today,
it was mostly an offwind sail, with an average speed of ca.5 kts.

At 1600h we arrived in Korcula-town, but the marina was full.
So we went to the Lumbarda-marina, a few miles South, but this was full to.

Now we're anchoring in a bay on Badija island,
a nice achorache nearby an old Monastery.
It lies ca. 2 NM from Korcula-town.

At night we had a nice spaggethi-dinner on board.

Grtz from Croatia,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen

06 June 2017

05-06-2017 SUDURAD - KOBAS

05-06-2017 SUDURAD (Sipan) - KOBAS (Peljesac)

Weather : sunny, 28°C
Wind : 1-2 Bf SW /Afternoon 3 Bf
Log : 13,8 NM

After breakfast some took a swim, it was going to be a hot day.

We left Sudurad at 10.00h.
Our trip took us through the Ston-channel, to the town of Ston.
Mooring in the harbour for half a day cost us 55€.

Ston is famous for his impressive defensive walls, the longest in Europe (it's a small version of the Chinese wall).
A visit is a must.

At 1700h we left Ston for the small bay of Kobas, a trip of 3NM.

We moored at the jetty of Luka's Taverna.

At night we had a delicious fish-dinner (with Ston-oysters, mussels and fresh fish). Ca. 35 € pp.

Grtz from Croatia,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen

05 June 2017

04-06-2017 Dubronik - Sudurad

04-06-2017 DUBROVNIK - SUDURAD (Sipan)

Weather : sunny, 27°C
Wind : 1-2 Bf SW
Log : 10,5 NM

After breakfast we took it easy and left the marina at 10.30h.

There was nearly no wind, our engine had to help us out.

After 6 NM we went alongside the quay of the small harbour of Trsteno. It's a beautifull small medieval harbour underneath the arboretum of Trsteno. There is room for max. 2 boats.
We all took a swim, the watertemperature was nice.
Afterwards we lunched on board.

At 15.30h we left Trsteno for the short trip over to Sipan-island.
After one hour we moored in the small fishingvillage of Sudurad.
It's still low season, there are only 4 yachts moored here.

At night we had a nice diner in the local restaurant.

Grtz from Croatia,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen

04 June 2017

03-06-2017 DUBROVNIK

03-06-2017 DUBROVNIK

Weather : overcast & sunny, 26°C
Wind : - Bf
Log : - NM

After a short 2-hour-flight we arrived in Dubrovnik-city at 10.00h.

We first visited the old medieval town, it's truly a must.
Dubrovnik is the pearl of the Adriatic !

At 15.00h we took the bus to the ACI Marina (ca. 25 min. trip).

This marina is one of the most beautifull in the Med, it's situated in gorgeous valley.

After the paperwork we did the check-in, our yacht 'Beata' is OK.

At night we had a very nice dinner at the nearby Vimbula-restaurant (ca.25 € pp).

Grtz from Dubrovnik,
Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen