Wind : 3 Bf N
Weather : Cloudy, few raindrops / Afternoon Sun & clouds 23 °C
This morning it rained a little bit in Aegina & it was cloudy.
We started at 09.30, it was a nice sailingtrip, the wind came from North, so we had nice halfwind reach with speeds from 7 till 8 knots.
Reached the Kalamaki marina at 12.30.
In the afternoon we took the tram, from the Marina (Edem-station) directly into the centre of Athens (ticket : 1,70 Euro oneway p.p.).
We visited the obligatory Acropolis, Agora,… the entrance was free on Sunday 11-05 !
At night we had a super Greek dinner at Vassilis-taverna, not far from the Marina.
It was a nice ending of our sailingtrip through Hellas.
Koen & the crew