30 May 2015


28 - 05 - 2015 KORNAT - TELASCICA

Weather : sunny 22°C
Wind : 3 - 4 Bf NNW
Log : 13,5 NM

After breakfast we left Bebans' quay, at 10.50.

The first part we motored through the Kornats,
after an hour we set sail and had a very nice sailing trip.

At 13.00 we entered the large bay of Telascica on the island of Dugi Otok (entrance fee ca. 50 € per day).

We dropped anchor in NE-part of the bay, at 14.00.

After a day of relaxing in the sun, we had a very nice spaghetti-diner on board in the evening.

Grtz from Croatia,
Koen & the crew