Thur. 31 oct. 2013
Log : 67,9 NM
Wind : N 5 - 6 Bf
Weather : sunny 23ºC
This morning we left at 0430h, because it's a long way to Poros.
It was our best sailingday of the year,
we started with easysailing in the dark under a sky filled with stars,
afterwards it was more heavy sailing with a sharp reach and a bumpy sea.
We sailed for ca. 11 hours with an everage speed of nearly 7 knots.
At 1600h we anchored on the south-quay in Poros.
Poros is more busy than the other islands this week ... there are a lot of yachts anchored here.
Now we're having a very nice diner at the Apagio-taverna.