Weather : Sunny ca.39°C
Wind : NW 3 Bf decreasing to W 1 Bf in the afternoon and evening.
Because the waves made it to uncomfortable we decided to leave Or.
Zoyioryia early in the morning.
So we arrived at 11.30h at Hydra.
Altough we arrived early, there were only 3 places left.
Hydra is one of the most beautifull harbours in Greece, but
unfortunately also one of the most popular.
The harbourfee for a 36 foot yacht is 1,60 Euro pro night !
(for ca. 300 litres water we payed 7 Euro, ... ask for Pan)
Because of the heat, we went swimming in the afternoon,
to the East from the harbour they made some swimming-stages in the
rocks, a simple and effective solution.
At night the ladies did some shopping,
there are a lot of stores in the alleys of Hydra-town.
Koen & Co