31 October 2014

31-10-2014 HYDRA - POROS

Fri. 31 oct. 2014  


Wind : N - NE 4 Bf
Weather : cloudy with a few sunny intervals ca. 20ºC
Log : 21,8 NM 

We left Hydra pretty early at 9.00h.
Our Italian neighbours had put their anchor over our chain, so we had some work to clear our chain.

We had a very nice sailing-day,
with a close reaching sail, we had to tack a few times to get to Poros.

At 13.15h we reached Poros-town,
but first we decided to anchor in Liminaki Agapis (Love-bay).
We had 2 hours of relaxing in this quiet bay.

At 16.00h we returned to the Greek Sails-base for the check-out of our yacht.
Our boat was OK.

In the evening we had a very nice diner at the Apagio-taverna.

It was a nice week of sailing,
but the weather wasn't as nice as other years around this time.

Grtz from Hellas,
Elvira, Michel, Johan, Wim, Bart & Koen

30-10-2014 HYDRA

Thur. 30 oct. 2014  

HYDRA Ag.Nikolaos - HYDRA Town  

Wind : N 1-2 Bf
Weather : sunny with a few clouds 20ºC  

For the first time this week it was sunny, so we relaxed and swam in the bay, untill 11.30h.  

Because there was no wind, we motored our way to Hydra-town.  
After 2 hours we arrived in Hydra, we found a place at the south-quay.  

In the aftrnoon we explored the town, Hydra is one of the most beautifull cities of Greece.  

Grtz from Hellas,  
Koen & the crew

30 October 2014

29-10-2014 P. ASTROS - HYDRA

Wed. 29 oct. 2014  

Par. ASTROS - HYDRA Ag.Nikolaos  

Wind : N 2-3 Bf
Weather : cloudy overcast, am rain 18ºC  

After a walk to the old Venetian castle, we left Astros at 11.25h.  

The first part of the trip we a nice broad reach, the last part our motor had to help us out.  

After a long 32 NM we anchored in the deserted bay of Ag.Nikolaos,
in the West of Hydra, at 17.30h.  

Most of us took a swim.  

Grtz from Hellas,  
Koen & the crew

29 October 2014

28-10-2014 SPETSES - PAR. ASTROS

Tue.28 oct. 2014  


Wind : N 2-3 Bf
Weather : cloudy overcast, with much rain 17ºC  

At 10.30h we hauled anchor and left Spetses.
The weather was cloudy and dark with drissle rain.  

There wasn't much stable wind, so we had to combine sailing and motor-sailing.  

At 15.20h we arrived in Paralia Astros. They are building a new south-quay so we moored on quay for fishing boats.  

Elvira prepared a very nice spaghetti-dinner.  

In the evening we had a few drinks at the DelMar-cafe.  

It was raining a lot during the evening and night.  

Grtz from the Peloponnese,  
Koen & the crew

28 October 2014

27-10-2014 POROS - SPETSES

Mon. 27 oct. 2014  


Wind : N 3-4 Bf
Weather : cloudy overcast, evening rain 19ºC  

At 10.40h we left Poros, it was cloudy with a little sun.  

We had a nice sailing-day, on our half-wind course.  

Our first destination was Ermioni, but because we were so fast we decided to go to Spetses.  

At 16.20h we arrived in Spetses, we moored at the shipyard-quay.  

In evening some more yachts joined us,
there are 7 yachts moored on the quay now.

Grtz from Hellas,  
Koen & the crew

27 October 2014

26-10-2014 Round Poros Race

Sun. 26 oct. 2014  

Round POROS race  

Wind : N 3-4 Bf
Weather : cloudy overcast  19ºC  
Log : 20,5 NM

Today we did the Round Poros Race, an organisation of Greek Sails.  

There were 14 yachts who competed.
It was a very nice experience,
we ended 7th.  

In the evening there was a bbq with some drinks.  

Grtz from Hellas,  
Koen & the crew

26 October 2014

25-10-2014 POROS

Sat. 25 oct. 2014  


Wind : N 2 Bf
Weather : cloudy overcast  19ºC  

After a long journey we arrived in Poros at 1600h.  

Our yacht, Jodio, a Sun Odyssey 439 is in perfect condition.  

After a swift check-in with Andreas from Greeksails, we went for diner at the Poseidon-taverna.
As always nice Greek-food.  

Grtz from Hellas,  
Koen Michel Elvira Bart Wim Johan

12 October 2014

POROS & SARONIC isl. 25 oct. - 1 nov. 2014


From the 25th of October untill the 1st of November,
we're sailing the 'Round-Poros-race' and a few Saronic islands in Greece.

We chartered a Sun Odyssey 439 from Greek Sails in Poros.

Of course you can follow our journey everyday live on this blog.



16 June 2014

Croatia - June 2014 - 254 NM

Dobar dan,

To summarize our trip we have to say that the South Dalmatian region is well worth a sailingtrip,
we logged a total of 254 N.M.

In the beginning of June there's enough of free space in the harbours and Marina's.

The prices in the restaurants are on Middle-European-level.

Waypoint-yachtcharter has proven to be a reliable charter-company,
our older yacht was well maintained and in perfect condition.

Underneath you'll find some Panorama-pictures :
1 : Trogir
2 : Okuklje (Mljet)
3 : Kobas (Peljesac)
4 : Zaklopatica (Lastovo)
5 : Sesula (Solta)

Do Videna,


15 June 2014

10-06-2014 Solta - Trogir

10-06-2014 Solta - Trogir

Weather : sunny 32°C
Wind : am NW 0-1 / pm W 1 - 2
Log : 11,3 NM

After breakfast we first had a swim, because today it's a short trip, we had all the time in the world.

At 11.40h we left Sesula-bay.

After almost an hour we anchored in Krknjas-bay on Veli Drvenik, for a swimstop.
The water is beautiful turquoise,  and looks like we're in the Caribbean.
At 14.15h we hauled our anchor and set sail for the last part of our trip, after half an hour the wind died completely down and our motor had to help us out.

At 15.40h we arrived in Trogir.
First we fueled up the boat at the Fuel station,
we used up 115 litres for a cost of 1115 Kunas (150 €).

In the evening we strolled around in the old town of Trogir, it's impressively beautiful ... a total must.
We had diner at Konoba Idro in the old town,
nice food for a normal price (ca.20 € pp).

At night we had a few drinks to remember this nice trip.

Grtz from Croatia,
Skip Koen, Koerel, Diane, Rob, Dipmala & Roel.

10 June 2014

09-06-2014 Sv.Klement - Solta

09-06-2014 Sv. Klement - Solta

Weather : sunny 31°C
Wind : am N 0-1 / pm W 2-3
Log : 19,3 NM

After breakfast we first had a nice swim in Tarsce-bay, the water was fantastic.

At 11.30h we hauled our anchor.

After an hour we set our sails and had a nice sharp reaching sail.

At 15.15h we picked up a buoy at Sismis-restaurant in Sesula bay on the island of Solta.
This is one of most beautiful bays we've seen during this trip.

In evening we had diner with a view at Sismis,
the food was tasty (ca.29 € pp).

Grtz from Croatia,
Skip Koen & crew