08 June 2014

07-06-2014 Mljet - Lastovo

07-06-2014 Mljet - Lastovo

Weather : sunny 29°C
Wind : am N 0-1 / pm W 3-4
Log : 25 NM

At 9.45h we left Polace.

In the morning there was no wind, and in the afternoon, just before we arrived, the wind picked up from W, right on the nose.
So the motor helped us out the entire trip.

The weather is hot again, summer is coming!

At 13.20h we moored at the Konoba Triton at Zaklopatica on Lastovo.
Triton has nice facilities for sailors : moorings, showers, water, electricity, ...

Some of the crew walked to the old village of Lastovo, 2km uphill.

In the evening we had a very nice dinner, with a lot of seafood,  at Triton (28 € pp).

Grtz from Croatia,
Aldo's crew