03 June 2014

02-06-2014 Sv.Klement - Korcula

02-06-2014 Sv.Klement - Korcula

Weather : sunny 23°C
Wind : am N 1 / pm W 3-4
Log : 36,2 NM

After breakfast we made a walk to the Botanic garden, close to the marina.
At 10.40h we left the marina, there was nearly no wind so we had to motor for a while.
In the afternoon the wind picked up and we had a nice sail, with a broad reach.
We also saw a school of dolphins.

We arrived at the ACI-marina from Korcula at 16.10h.

In the evening we made a walk through the very pretty old town of Korcula.
We had a tasty dinner at 'Marco Polo' (ca.20 € pp)

Grtz from Croatia,
Aldo's crew