18 September 2020

17-09 MILOS Adamas - SPETSES

17-09 MILOS Adamas - SPETSES

Weather : sunny, 26°C

Wind : 1-2 Bf N

Log : 73,7 NM

Just before daybreak we left Milos at 6.30h.

We're gonna leave the Cyclades because Medicane Ianos is heading for Greece.

Normally we'll find better shelter on the Peloponnese/Saronic.

After a very long trip of motorsailing we arrived in Or. Baltiza in Spetses at 18.00h.

We were lucky to find the last spot in the well sheltered inner harbour.

At night we had a very tasteful spaghetti dinner on board.

Grtz from Spetses,


Roel, Elvira, Michel, Diane, Koerel & Koen