28 May 2015

27-05-2015 SMOKVICA - KORNAT

27 - 05 - 2015 SMOKVICA - KORNAT

Weather : sunny, afternoon clouds 22°C
Wind : 5 - 7 Bf NNE
Log : 8,5 NM

In the night the wind picked up to force 5 with gusts of 7 Bf.
So it can be real stormy outside on open sea.

We waited untill noon before we left Lojena-bay.

We reefed both our sails and had a nice windy trip along the Kornat island.

We arrived quickly at our destination,
Lopatica - bay on Kornat.

At 14.00 we picked up a mooring at the quay of the Beban - konoba.

At night we had nearly 2 kg of fresh fish on the grill,
it was very tasteful.
(ca.30 € pp )

Grtz from Croatia,
Koen & the crew